RYA Day Skipper Practical Booking Form

Booking a place or Course is not confirmed until monies have been received

Please print this form and post or email to:-

Yacht Sail Training, Unit 1, 1 Stepney Road, Ouseburn, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE1 2PZ

Or email:        info@yachtsailtraining.com

First Name                                                    Date of Birth 

Surname                                                        Male or Female

Address Line 1                                             Swim/Non Swim

Address Line 2                                             Home Telephone

Town                                                              Emergency Contact Name

City                                                                 Telephone

Postcode                                                       Mobile Telephone


Medical Conditions

(Link to – Personal Injury Page on the website)

Name & Date of Session:

Other Information Required (e.g. Vegetarian): 

I enclose the full fee of £________, payable to ‘Yacht Sail Training.
In signing this form you agree to the conditions of booking. 
You are, to the best of your knowledge, physically fit to take part in this Trip.

Where did you first hear of Yacht Sail Training:  ________________________________________

To receive the monthly Newsletter please tick here ………………………….

Previous experience/certificates:_____________________________________________________


I declare that, to the best of my knowledge, I am not suffering from epilepsy, disability, giddy spells, asthma, diabetes, angina or other heart condition, and am fit to participate in the Course.

Personal Injury Insurance is provided when onboard ‘YACHT SAIL TRAINING VESSELS’ but I accept it’s limitations and any additional cover would need to be provided by myself.

   Signed:  Date: 

Terms & Conditions

Terms of Payment

A deposit of £150 per person is due with the completed booking form for each course. The balance of the fee is due eight weeks before the start of the course. The school reserves the right without further notification to re-let reserved places where the balance of fee has not been paid by the due date. 


Yacht Sail Training reserves the right to cancel any course or activity. Where this is necessary a proportional refund will be made or an alternative course or activity offered. No additional liability for compensation or expenses will be accepted by the School. Reserved places that are cancelled in writing by a student more than eight weeks prior to the starting date will result in the deposit being forfeit. Cancellations by students within eight weeks of the starting date will result in the full fee being forfeit but in either case it may be possible to claim under your personal or holiday insurance. In the event that any activity or course has to be commenced or terminated at any other place or time than that indicated in the programme or joining instructions it will be the students responsibility to arrange and pay for any accommodation or travel costs involved. 


Yacht Sail Training, its servants, agents, instructors, sailing masters do not accept any responsibility for any loss damage or injury suffered by any persons and/or their property arising out of or during the course of their activities whilst training, instructing or otherwise unless such loss or damage was caused by or resulted from negligence. 


You will have the best chance of reserving your first choice of dates if you e-mail your requirements now! Such reservations need to be confirmed with a completed booking form and deposit within 5 days. Any balance of fee is due eight weeks before your course starts.

The Skipper

He, or she, will have command of the yacht at all times and will make every endeavour to look after the safety of all onboard. The Skipper will take whatever action deemed necessary in this respect e.g. adverse weather involving a change of port or final destination; a client may be placed ashore if instructions are not followed.

Sea Miles

No guarantee can be made that sea miles will be achieved and clients should consider attaining any of the RYA’s requirements beforehand

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