Booking and Parental Consent form

January 2019



Course name






Course Instructor


Course details










Contact no.


Email address:


If you are under 18, your parent or guardian must complete and sign the Parental/Guardian Agreement Form at page [ ]



Do you have any previous boating experience or qualifications?

If yes, please give brief details.


Can you swim 25 metres?


In the interests of your safety do you have any medical conditions or physical or mental impairments that the organiser needs to be aware of that may affect your ability to take part in the Course? 

Yes/ No


If you answer yes please provide further details in the Medical Information and Impairments section of this form at page [ ].  

Telephone number of emergency contact.







It must be recognised that sailing is by its nature an unpredictable sport and therefore inherently involves an element of risk. By taking part in the event or attending the course, you agree and acknowledge that:


  • You are aware of the inherent element of risk involved in the sport and you accept responsibility exposing yourself to such inherent risk whilst taking part in the Event or any training with Yacht Sail Training Practical or Shorebased;
  • You will comply at all times with the instructions of the Instructor particularly with regard to handling of boats, wearing of buoyancy aids and the wearing of suitable clothing for the conditions;
  • You accept responsibility for any injury, damage or loss to the extent caused by your own negligence;
  • You will not participate or attend any of Yacht Sail Training Courses if your ability to participate is impaired by alcohol, drugs or if you are otherwise unfit to participate;
  • You will inform your allocated Yacht Sail Training Instructor and office if there have been any changes to the information provided on this form at the time of the Event.
  • The provision of patrol boat cover is limited to such assistance as can be practically provided in the circumstances;
  • You are aware of any specific risks drawn to your attention by the instructor and that Yacht Sail Training has brought to your attention.



You understand that Yacht Sail Training may cancel or postpone the Event at any stage in the event of bad weather, equipment failure or otherwise.



You understand that Yacht Sail Training may exclude anyone from a particular session and evict anyone from the premises who refuses to comply with these Booking Terms or who misconducts themselves in any way or who causes damage or annoyance to other persons.



Yacht Sail Training has a Data Privacy Policy which can be found at

Your data will be stored and used in accordance with that policy.


The information you provide in this form will be used to facilitate your participation in the training and to contact you.  Yacht Sail Training would also like to include your contact details on a mailing list in order to make you aware of membership opportunities and future training courses.


If you would NOT like to be included on this mailing list please tick here             


  If you wish to withdraw your agreement at any time, please contact            



Yacht Sail Training may arrange for images or videos to be taken during training and published on the Yacht Sail Training website or social media channels to promote the Yacht Sail Training.


If you DO NOT agree to images of you being used for this purpose, please tick here.  



If you are taking part in the training as a family, your family members, aged 18 and over, should indicate their agreement to the use of their image separately below.


Parental agreement for images of participants aged under 18 is included in the Parental/Guardian Agreement Form at page [ ].


Family member………………………………..



Family member………………………………..


Family member………………………………..


If you later wish to withdraw your agreement, please contact []. Please be aware that if you later decide to withdraw your agreement it will not be possible to remove your image from any printed material in circulation, or until the next edition or print of the item containing your image is released.


By agreeing to your images being used, you agree to assign any copyright or any other right of ownership of these images to Yacht Sail Training.





I confirm that I have read and fully understand the above Booking Terms and agree to comply with them.


Signed………………… (The Participant)    Date……………………….…………….




































(to be completed if the participant is aged under 18)


Name of participant


Name of parent/guardian completing this form


Relationship to participant


Contact number during Event



Optional clause to be used where Yacht Sail Training require a responsible adult to remain on site during the Event


I will be responsible for my child throughout the course or event.  I will be available at the School venue




I appoint the person named below, who has agreed to act in loco parentis.  He/she will be responsible for my dependant throughout the course.  He/she will be available at the school venue.


Name of person appointed in loco parentis………………………………..


Mobile number…………………………………


Optional Medical consent if parent/guardian is not on site

Medical treatment

I give permission to the organisers to administer any relevant treatment or medication to the above-named participant when or if necessary.


In an emergency situation I authorise the organisers to take my child to hospital and give my full permission for any treatment required to be carried out in accordance with the hospital’s diagnosis.  I understand that I shall be notified, as soon as possible, of the hospital visit and any treatment given by the hospital.



Use of your child’s image

Yacht Sail Training may arrange for images or videos to be taken during the course and published on Yacht Sail Training website or social media channels to promote Yacht Sail Training.


If you DO NOT agree to the use of images of your child being used for this purpose, please tick here.  


If you agree to the use of images of your child being used, please confirm below that your child is not under a court order which may prevent their image being published.

I confirm that my child is not under a court order which may prevent their image from being published. 


If you later wish to withdraw your agreement, please contact Please be aware that if you later decide to withdraw your agreement it will not be possible to remove your image from any printed material in circulation, or until the next edition or print of the item containing your image is released.


By agreeing to images being used, you agree to assign any copyright or any other right of ownership of these images to the Yacht Sail Training






I agree that _______________ may take part in the Event. I confirm that I have read through the above conditions with him/her and that she/he understands and agrees with them. I also confirm that he/she takes part in the Event with my full agreement that that the particulars given above are correct and complete in all respects.










If you declared that you have a medical condition or physical or mental impairment that the organiser needs to be aware of because it may affect your ability to take part in the course please provide details below.






























I confirm that I have given Yacht Sail Training the medical information listed on this page (if any) for the purposes of my participation in the course.  I understand that this information will only be used for that purpose and will be retained for as long as necessary to comply with Yacht Sail Training legal obligations. 


I agree/ I do not agree   (Please circle)


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