Safety Brief Check List 

    □  Howto get on and off the boat safely

    □  The dangers of drinking alcohol in respect of the above

    □  How to move around the boat, especially in rough conditions

    □  How to go up and down the companionway steps

    □  How to use the cooker/hob. When & how to turn off gas (on deck & below)

    □  Use of the heads/toilet

    □  Briefed on all safety equipment, location & boat list

    □  Working & correct fitting of lifejackets, harnesses & when to use

    □  Fire safety & location of extinguishers, detector alarms (3) & blanket

    □  Location & use of emergency torches

    □  Use of lifebelts & danbuoy

    □  Location of sealed First Aid kit & working kit

    □  Action to take in an emergency

    □  Location of manuals for Safety, SOP’s & Yacht Sail Training

Please sign below to acknowledge receipt of the above Safety Brief and to have had all queries answered

Crew…………………………………………..                 Date …………………..

Crew…………………………………………..                 Date …………………..

Crew…………………………………………..                 Date …………………..

Crew…………………………………………..                 Date …………………..

Crew…………………………………………..                 Date …………………..

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