Yacht Sail Training are always keen to receive any suggestions, improvements or even complaints that you feel Yacht Sail Training could develop on and improve.

On purpose we do NOT require any contact details when submitting this form.

However if you would like feedback and understanding on what Yacht Sail Training are doing to combat and to deal with the submission of this form we will require some contact information to update you on our progress. 

Yacht Sail Training strive to improve all aspects of the service we provide and we are grateful for any further information and support you can provide when submitting this information. 

If you would prefer to send us an anonymous letter please send it to: Yacht Sail Training, Unit 1, 1 Stepney Road, Ouseburn, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE1 2PZ United Kingdom 

If you wish to include files please send any images in .jpg / .gif or .png and any documents in .pdf format Maximum size 999bytes per attachment

Recommendations / Complaints Form