
Questions We Get Asked?

Questions we get asked

Questions we get asked.

Q: What does RYA stand for, and why is it important for a sailing school?

A: RYA stands for Royal Yachting Association, a leading organization in the field of sailing education and training. RYA certification ensures that our sailing school meets high standards of safety, professionalism, and quality instruction.

Q: What types of RYA courses do you offer at your sailing school in Split-Dalmatia, Croatia?

A: We offer a range of RYA courses catering to sailors of all levels, including Competent Crew, Day Skipper, Coastal Skipper, and Yachtmaster. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced sailor, there’s a course tailored to your needs.

Q: What qualifications do your instructors hold?

A: Our instructors are highly qualified RYA-certified professionals with extensive experience in both sailing and teaching. They undergo rigorous training and assessments to ensure they meet the highest standards of instruction.

Q: Can I combine RYA courses with practical sailing experience in the stunning waters of Croatia?

A: Absolutely! Our courses are designed to blend theory with practical hands-on experience, allowing you to apply your newfound skills while exploring the breathtaking coastline of Split-Dalmatia.

Q: How long do RYA courses typically last, and what is the class size?

A: Course durations vary depending on the level and type of course. Our class sizes are kept small to ensure personalized attention and maximum hands-on learning opportunities.

Q: Are your RYA courses recognized internationally?

A: Yes, RYA certifications are recognized worldwide and are highly regarded within the sailing community. Whether you’re sailing in Croatia or elsewhere, your RYA certification will attest to your skills and competence on the water.

RYA Training Centre Logo Yacht Sail Training Croatia
RYA Training Centre Logos Yacht Sail Training Croatia, RYA School Croatia

Q: Do I need any prior experience to enroll in an RYA course?

A: No prior experience is necessary for our beginner-level courses such as Competent Crew. Our courses are designed to accommodate sailors of all levels, from complete novices to seasoned sailors looking to advance their skills.

Q: What safety measures are in place during RYA courses?

A: Safety is our top priority. Our courses include comprehensive safety briefings, and our instructors are trained to handle emergency situations effectively. We also provide all necessary safety equipment for participants.

Q: How can I book an RYA course at your sailing school in Split-Dalmatia, Croatia?

A: Booking is easy! Simply visit our website or contact us directly to inquire about course availability, dates, and pricing. Our friendly staff will be happy to assist you in choosing the right course for your sailing goals.

Q: Can I take an RYA course as a refresher if I haven’t sailed in a while?

A: Absolutely! Our refresher courses are designed to help rusty sailors regain confidence and brush up on their skills before hitting the water again. We’ll tailor the course to your specific needs and experience level.

Q: Are your RYA courses suitable for families or groups?

A: Yes, our sailing school welcomes families and groups of all sizes. We offer special rates for group bookings and can tailor the course schedule to accommodate your group’s needs and preferences.

Q: Do you offer theory-only RYA courses for those who prefer to learn in a classroom setting?

A: Yes, we offer theory-only courses for individuals who prefer a more structured learning environment. These courses cover essential navigation, safety, and seamanship theory, preparing you for practical sailing adventures.

Q: What additional services do you offer to RYA course participants, such as accommodation or transportation?

A: We can assist with arranging accommodation and transportation for course participants, ensuring a seamless and stress-free experience during your time with us. Just let us know your preferences, and we’ll take care of the rest.

Q: Can I earn an ICC (International Certificate of Competence) through your RYA courses?

A: Yes, our RYA courses are recognized by many countries for ICC certification. Upon successful completion of the appropriate course and assessment, you’ll be eligible to apply for an ICC.

Q: What sets your RYA sailing school apart from others in the region?

A: Our sailing school prides itself on its experienced instructors, modern fleet of boats, and stunning sailing grounds along the Croatian coast. We prioritize personalized instruction, small class sizes, and a supportive learning environment to ensure every student’s success.

Q: Can I take an RYA course in a language other than English?

A: No Sorry, Only English or Mandarin. and we don’t offer mandarin.

Q: Are there any age restrictions for enrolling in RYA courses?

A: Yes there are some age restrictions for certain courses – please see your relevant course for further information.

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